- Shallow convection in orographic precipitation
- Shallow orographic convection
- Stable or unstable?
- How is instability generated?
- Example of orographic convection (1)
- Example of orographic convection (2)
- Example of orographic convection (3)
- Unresolved questions
- Mesoscale numerical model
- First phase of project
- Factors affecting intensity of shallow orographic convection (1)
- Factors affecting intensity of shallow orographic convection (2)
- Second phase of project
- Orographic convection in the Pacific Northwest US: Case 1
- Relationship between convection and underlying topography (1)
- Relationship between convection and underlying topography (2)
- Quasi-idealized simulations
- Case1: simulated qr
- Case2: simulated qr
- Comparing upstream soundings (1)
- Comparing upstream soundings (2)
- Third phase of project
- Idealized 3D experiments
- Sensitivity Experiments
- Convective initiation
- Control simulation
- Surface precipitation
- Vertical cross-sections
- Vertical structure of orographic rainbands
- Sensitivity Experiments
- Sensitivity to amplitude of thermal perturbations
- Sensitivity to amplitude of topographic perturbations
- Sensitivity Experiments
- Wind speed: simulation design
- Wind speed: thermal initiation
- Wind speed: topographic initiation
- Lee-wave triggering (1)
- Lee-wave triggering (2)
- Combined initiation: uniform-wind (U = 10 ms^-1) case (1)
- Combined initiation: uniform-wind (U = 10 ms^-1) case (2)
- Combined initiation: vertically-sheared control case (1)
- Combined initiation: vertically-sheared control case (2)
- Wind Shear Summary
- Sensitivity Experiments
- Vertical shear: simulation design
- Parallel shear: thermal initiation
- Parallel shear: topographic initiation
- Directional shear: thermal initiation
- Directional shear: topographic initiation
- How do these initiation mechanisms produce bands?
- Why is shear-parallel mode favored? Look at 2D case
- Sensitivity Experiments
- Static stability
- Static stability: simulation design
- Thermal initiation
- Topographic initiation
- Is stability important for bands? Again look at 2D
- Conclusions (1)
- Conclusions (2)
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