- Orographic Precipitation and the Form of Mountain Ranges
- Do topography and the patterns of precipitation co-evolve?
- Topographic Asymmetry and Orographic Precipitation in the Andes
- Precipitation and Long-Term Erosion Rates: Washington Cascades
- Precipitation Patterns Influence Topography and Mountain Range Evolution
- Case Study; Olympic Mountains
- Orographic Precipitation at a ~10 km scale
- Existing Observing Sites
- MM5 Annual Precipitation
- MM5 Storm Totals
- Matheny Ridge Gauge Network
- Rain-Snow Gauges with Tipping Buckets
- 60% Enhancement on the Ridges!
- Biggest Storms 2003-04
- Biggest Storms 2004-05
- Biggest Outliers
- Orographic Precipitation in the Olympics
- What impact would such precipitation patterns have on topography?
- Impact of non-uniform precipitation in a 2D landscape evolution model
- Comparing gauge data to MM5 and mountain wave models Case Study ; Oct 20-21, 2003
- Accumulated precipitation Oct 20, 2003 1700-1800
- Measured pattern versus Linear Model and MM5
- Results from CASCADE
- Uniform precipitation
- Storms from All Directions (Part I)
- Storms from All Directions (Part II)
- Temporal Evolution
- Storms from the West
- Storms from the West; Along-Ridge Average
- Orographic Precipitation and Topography Can Co-evolve
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