Workshop on Climate Modeling and Satellite Observations
Development of Tropical Circulation
in Response to an Equatorial Warm SST Anomaly
Revealed by an switch-on Ensemble Aqua-planet GCM
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kushu University
Kensuke Nakjima
[email protected] 22nd, Jan., 2002
Introduction: where does rain fall occur in toropics?
Introduction: Why do we use aqua-planet GCM?
Introduction: previous studies which used aqua-planet GCM.
Introduction: observations of SST and precipitation distributions
Result obtained by Gill (1980).
Result obtained by Heckley and Gill (1984).
Question: How about can the results of Gill (1980) be modified ?
Description of our numerical model: GFD Dennou Club AGCM ver. 5
Boundary condition: SST distribution
- put warm patch on the equator, where temperature anomaly is 4 K.
Reslut: horizontal distribution of precipitation (after 2000 day and
50 days mean).
Reslut: horizontal distribution of surface pressure (after 2000 day and
50 days mean).
Steady state responce
- west of the warm SST patch: Kelvin response
- east of the warm SST patch: Rossby response ?
Time averaged structure
- upper left : horizontal wind and geopotential hight anomaly at σ=0.175
- upper right: temperature anomaly at σ=0.175
- lower left : zonal and vertical wind and temperature anomaly at equator
- lower right: horizontal wind and surface pressure anomaly at σ=0.995
Moisture flux
- upper left : qu at equator (longitude-hight cross section)
- upper right: qv at 138 E (latitude-hight cross section)
- lower left : qv at 180 E (latitude-hight cross section)
- lower right: qv at 278 E (latitude-hight cross section)
Summary of the steady state response.
Outline of the ensemble experiment (1)
Resluts of the ensemble experiment (1)
Summay of the ensemble experiment (1)
Outline of the ensemble experiment (2)
Resluts of the ensemble experiment (2)
Resluts of the ensemble experiment (2) [mpeg movie]
Summary of the ensemble experiment (2)
- Kelvin response is clearly observed, but Rossby response is obscure.
- Why ?
- The negative heating due to drying in the west region of the warm
SST patch weakens the Rossby wave which is excited by the warm SST
- Dispersion relation of the equatorial Rossby wave:
The group velocity of short equatorial Rossby wave is eastward.
- Gill (1980) and Heckley and Gill (1984) use long wave approximation
(re-calculation result of Heckley and Gill (1984) without long
wave approximation is hear).
Dispersion relation of the equatorial wavw
- The group velocity of short equatorial Rossby wave is eastward.
Future ploblem (1)
Future ploblem (2)
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1. Spectral features of the cloud disturbances,
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Large-scale cloud disturbances associated with equatorial waves.
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Odaka Masatsugu